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European Review of Digital Administration & Law
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Extracted from publication
European Review of Digital Administration & Law

Administrative Law Facing Digital Challenges

DOI:  10.4399/97888255389602
Pages: 7-16
Publication date: Novembre 2020
Publisher: Aracne editrice
The article suggests some exploratory ideas on the implications that the enormous acceleration of digital technology has in administrative law. This is without any pretension of exhaustiveness, which would be a mistaken claim, but with the aim of providing and sharing some clues for the analysis of a complex phenomenon that is still difficult to understand. The article offers some general reflections on the digitization of public action and a summary of the already perceptible implications and consequences that this phenomenon has in administrative law. Finally, some hypotheses are proposed on various sensitive issues that are being raised or may be raised.
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law / Erdal