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European Review of Digital Administration & Law
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law

Preparedness e once only nella digitalizzazione della PA: focus sul settore sanitario

DOI:  10.53136/979125994752915
Pages: 163-183
Publication date: Luglio 2022
Publisher: Aracne
Digitization requires cooperation between organizations, institutions, partners and citizens. It is essential to optimize and make the system, services and procedures more efficient so as not to be unprepared for new challenges and to anticipate them, removing inefficiencies and waste, of resources and structures.
If the public administration, at all levels, must advance, it is necessary to adapt the legislation and infrastructures, certainly, but also the organization and interorganic relations.
The reforms of the last two years seem to go in this direction, spurring with the aim of reaching the goal of a truly digital administration.Obviously, given the historical period, the area of greatest application of digital concepts in the last two years has been the health sector or, more generally, any action aimed at tackling the health crisis, including simplification reforms in the various administrative procedures.
However, most of the necessary reform processes are common to the entire public administration, no sector excluded. With the consequence that, in order to make health care evolve, the entire public administration must be adapted.
Undoubtedly, then, in the political and legislative dialectic, the digital approach and the right to good administration intersect each other, as essential instruments for ensuring the quality and continuity of services, capables of withstanding the challenges of the future.
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law / Erdal