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European Review of Digital Administration & Law
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law

A New Step Forward in the Citizen Procedural Guarantees in Electronic Administration

DOI:  10.53136/979125994752919
Pages: 219-223
Publication date: Luglio 2022
Publisher: Aracne
The case concerns the refusal of an application for not having signed it as a last step in the submission process. The claimant had paid the fee and completed the form, recorded the application, but she did not submit the application in accordance with the options established in the third base of the call, since she did not make neither electronic signature of his application, nor the registration of the same in the electronic registry. Subsequently, once the deadline has expired, she was excluded from the procedure due to “unsigned application”. The Spanish Supreme Court issued a ruling declaring that the Administration must give a period of 10 days to allow the citizen to correct the lack of electronic signature and registration of their application.
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European Review of Digital Administration & Law / Erdal